Ongoing Local Citation Tracker

Ongoing Local Citation Tracker

Our ongoing citation tracker not only boosts a brand’s online visibility, it also keeps their data current. This is especially important for online business listings – even if you aren’t using a local citation tracker, your competitor’s probably are.

A local citation tracker helps businesses in the following ways:

  1. Boosts online visibility.
  2. Makes it possible for customers to find our client’s business.
  3. Generates more revenue while simultaneously putting out clients in front of their target audience.

Services Include:

Locating & Eliminating Duplicate Listings

Locating & Eliminating Duplicate Listings

Duplicate listings can hurt your website’s ranking – one additional service we have is to locate and eliminate these duplicate listings.

  • Identifies damaging duplicate business listings.
  • Helps you maintain a spotless citation profile for better rankings.
  • Monitors existing citations in order to ensure your information is current and up-to-date.
Identify Missed Opportunities

Identify Missed Opportunities

Our NAP tool not only helps your organization’s SEO ranking, but it also gives you insights into any other businesses (including your competitor’s) SEO ranking.

  • Provide detailed reports on all sites that display your business data.
  • Spy on competitors to see where they’re listed but you’re not.
  • Find local citations and directories to list your business on.

NAP Monitoring (Name, Address, Phone)

NAP Monitoring (Name, Address, Phone)

Part of our NAP monitoring system includes highlighting inaccurate or outdated citations while prioritizing corrections.

  • Audit listings on key citation sites.
  • Identifies errors in critical NAP (name, address, phone number).
  • Eliminates citation issues that harm local search rankings.